There are several ways in which you can start preparing now for your most confident summer yet. In fact, you may have already implemented the habits that will give you a youthful, healthy shape. The thing is, there is no guarantee that your efforts will pay off in all of the ways that you imagine. Williamsburg residents who want to secure a svelte midsection find the care they need with plastic surgeon Dr. Guarnieri. When the flat stomach you want eludes you, you can turn to us for a precision tummy tuck, and there is no better time than now to do just that.
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, as we call it, is an expansive procedure that can address either the lower abdominal muscles or the upper and lower, depending on the degree of laxity that needs to be corrected. It isn’t that the extensive nature of the procedure itself will carry a lengthy recovery period. In fact, many patients have to be reminded to take things slow as their muscles are restored. This is one of the primary reasons why wintertime is a great time to schedule this body-sculpting procedure.
Taking Time for You
A tummy tuck is something that you do entirely for yourself, to bring the image of yourself into the real world. Your commitment to this goal does not end on the day of your surgery. You need to also prepare for the long haul, but this may not look like you envision it – at least not in the beginning.
One of the crucial lifestyle habits that support long-term results after abdominoplasty is exercise. If you have worked long and hard to reach your goal weight, or in an attempt to sculpt your body without surgery, it may feel completely counterintuitive to stop those workouts for a bit. Scheduling a tummy tuck during the winter can make this easier. When the weather is cooler and the days are shorter, most of us have a natural urge to “hibernate.” Give yourself permission to rest. Your body will thank you!
To discuss the benefits of abdominoplasty and the minimal lifestyle modifications that will need to be made until your muscles fully heal, call our Williamsburg office.
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